Let me start by saying, cold calling is not dead. You only have to look on my YOUTUBE Channel to see me closing business on the phone. The methods have changed over time and only the top performers can pull off a good cold call. A lot of recruiters will do anything to avoid cold calling because they just don’t feel it works or they are not “sales people” or “can’t sell”. In fact recruiters are not consultants rather than sales people, we only seek to help companies struggling to recruit. Watch the video before on recruitment cold call training and below is the script you can copy, print and use.
Typical Gate Keeper Script
GK: Hi XYZ Company Sue speaking how can I help
YOU: Good morning, I am wondering if you can help me… I am looking to speak to the person who deals with the recruitment for [JOB]… (pause slightly) Do you know who I will speak to regarding that?
GK: Will either give you the name OR Are you calling from a recruitment agency? OR they will give an objection.
YOU: Correct, it was just a courtesy call to see if we can assist with the role.
GK: Nobody is available OR Objection..
YOU: No problem thank you for assisting, very quickly… would it be helpful if I emailed (decision maker) some information about our service or should I call back another time?
Decision Maker Cold Call Script
DM: John Speaking
YOU: Hi John, just to be up front this is a cold call can I have 30 seconds to tell you why I have called today?
DM: Laughs OR depends what it is about OR not interested
YOU: Typically I work with companies similar to (their company name) and they are often frustrateddd (stress the word) that they have outsourced roles to an agency and they either have a lack of CV or ones that don’t quiet hit the mark… At present do you feel that you are having any of these issues?
DM: No we are fine OR NOOOOO none at all (sarcastically), Yes and they explain so just listen
YOU: I hear this a lot (nod your head), do you feel this problem could ever be fixed or is it the way it always will be
DM: It can be fixed OR We have tried OR Are you going to tell me you can fix it
Real Recruitment cold calls
If you haven’t already seen, I have a few videos cold calling clients. One was a £1 billion business so it is not the case that you can’t close large clients on the phone and win the recruitment contract.
Phone call close £1 billion client
Closing a job order of x9 jobs