How to get your first job at 14 in the UK

Getting you first job is probably one of the hardest things you can do. At this point you would have no experience or qualification worth an employer looking at. However if you manage to secure your first job you will be well on your way to getting a better job in a few years and it will make that process much easier.

My advice would be to find our exactly what you enjoy doing. For example you may be into hair or make up and want a Saturday job working in your local hairdressers. Or if you love cars you may actually want to become a mechanics assistant.

How Much Can You Work

Legally as a 14 year old you can work up to 12 hours a week during term time and 25 hours a week in the summer holidays. You may also need your parents consent when you start to work until you are 16.

Online Jobs

Going out into the world of work may not be for you, however you can always work from home. Sure your parents may thing all we do online is play games. But for me many years ago the first amount of money I ever made was online. I wrote an article for somebody which was 200 words and they paid me $1. Which when I told my parents they didn’t believe I still to this day write articles for people.

Writing Jobs for online for teens

  • Post on Digital Point Forums
  • Freelance on, and

Good with Graphics? Then you want to also sell your logo making service on those websites listed above.


There is no explaining this one. I am sure you have heard of many of your favourite Youtubers making millions each year. But don’t let that fool you, pretty much everybody on Youtube has a goal of making money online. Youtube is free and easy to get started and also store your videos.

If you are like me and you are worried about nobody watching your videos… my channel now has over 1 million views and I bet pretty much zero effort into it.